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National Smile Month: Strong Teeth Make Strong Kids

Written by Dr. Chaw Su Kyi on June 13, 2018

This month sees the annual National Smile Month campaign to promote healthy oral health.

  • Regular tooth brushing with a fluoridated toothpaste
  • Cutting down on sugary foods and drinks
  • Visiting your dentist at regular intervals

There is a focus on supporting and educating parents to help their children develop the right habits to maintain a healthy mouth. It is shocking that research has revealed that nearly a third (31%) of 5-year-olds and nearly half (46%) of 8-year-olds in the UK have obvious tooth decay in their primary teeth.
Also, it was found that, sadly, 35% of 12-year-old children are too embarrassed to smile or laugh due to tooth decay or missing teeth at such a young age.
These dental health issues come down to many factors, including poor oral care habits and nutrition. However, with the right education and support, they are mostly preventable.

Here are some simple ways to make it easier to help keep your children’s teeth clean and healthy:

  • Brush teeth twice a day. Try brushing your child’s teeth standing behind your child. You’ll be able to see more clearly.
  • Use a children’s toothpaste, this means it will have the correct amount of fluoride.
  • Don’t rinse – this keeps the remaining fluoride in the mouth and next to teeth so it can go on protecting the teeth for some time after brushing. However, do encourage your child to spit out toothpaste after use – to try and prevents your child from swallowing the toothpaste
  • Try and avoid sugary and acidic foods (such as fizzy drinks and sweets) especially in between meals. They should only be allowed these at mealtimes if at all. Use a straw for any sugary or acidic drinks to reduce the time that any acid or sugary drink stays in their mouth.

The importance of a healthy smile cannot be underestimated. Our teeth not only help us chew and digest food, they help us with talking and giving support to our lips and face.

The three easy steps to keep our teeth lifelong:

By brushing our teeth twice daily, maintaining a low-in-sugar diet and regular visits to your dentist, we can help reduce the risk of diseases like dental decay and gum disease – both of which can result in tooth loss.

Orthodontic treatment with fixed braces or Invisalign can help you maintain a healthy smile. Straight teeth are easier to keep clean and less risk of plaque and food being trapped.

A healthy smile can truly transform our visual appearance, the positivity of our mindset, as well as improving the health of not only our mouth but our body too.

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