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Benefits of Braces for Children with Teeth Misalignment

Written by Dr. Chaw Su Kyi on February 20, 2024

Although braces are commonly used to straighten teenagers’ teeth, they also benefit younger children. In fact, children as young as seven can have orthodontic treatment, and in many cases, this early intervention is a good idea. 

There are several different types of malocclusion, and these are often noticeable at a young age. Teeth can develop too close together or too far apart. They may grow at an angle, or the upper and lower arches do not meet correctly when closed.  

Having misaligned teeth can be genetic or stem from injury or illness. Whatever the cause of malocclusion, it can affect your child’s oral and general health and emotional well-being. 

In this guide, we’ll look at some of the many benefits of braces for children with teeth misalignment. 

Wearing Braces Improves Oral Hygiene

Crowded, gappy, and misaligned teeth are often difficult to clean. Due to the angle and spacing of the teeth, it is sometimes challenging to manoeuvre a toothbrush to remove food particles and plaque. 

Because teeth straightening makes cleaning easier, any time your child spends brushing will be more beneficial. In addition to cleaner, healthier-looking teeth, the potential for bad breath will also decrease. 

Flossing is not easy with crooked teeth. After treatment with braces, your child will find it easier to get dental floss between teeth and right down to the gum line. This makes flossing more effective. 

Braces Reduce the Risk of Tooth Decay

Without thorough cleaning, plaque can harden to become tartar, and the enamel of your child’s teeth can begin to erode. Over time, cavities will form. These small holes can become a haven for bacteria and increase the risk of infection.

Teeth straightening with braces makes it easier for your child to clean their teeth. With fewer places for bacteria to build up, the decreased risk of cavities will lower the need for fillings. 

Tooth Alignment Reduces the Risk of Gum Disease

Gum disease is one of the dental issues that stems from oral hygiene problems. Crooked or protruding teeth can be hard to clean. If teeth are not cleaned correctly, it can lead to plaque buildup. As plaque hardens to become tartar, it can irritate the gums, causing inflammation, redness, and bleeding.

Although many symptoms may seem mild, gum health problems will worsen. Correcting your child’s orthodontic issues at a young age makes dental hygiene easier to manage.

Having a Straighter Smile Can Boost Confidence

Whether or not your child has reached a self-conscious age yet, teeth straightening will improve the appearance of their smile. For many children, these improvements help build confidence and raise self-esteem levels. 

As your child reaches their teenage years, they may become more self-conscious about the aesthetics of their smile. Early teeth straightening treatments make this development period easier and can reduce potential self-esteem issues.  

Having Straight Teeth Can Improve Speech 

The position of your child’s teeth can impact their ability to form words. Certain bite alignment problems and teeth formations can leave children with speech impairments like lisps. 

Straightening teeth can help reduce these issues. Correcting the position of the teeth can improve the formation of certain sounds. In some cases, orthodontic intervention may even cause speech problems to cease altogether. 

Having Straight Make Chewing Easier

Children with bite alignment problems often struggle to chew. When food is not chewed thoroughly, it can impact digestion. In turn, this can affect your child’s bowels. 

Children’s braces make chewing easier and mealtimes more comfortable. This reduces the challenges associated with eating and can also positively affect your child’s digestive health. 

Braces Prevent Jaw Pain

The position of your child’s teeth as their jaw grows can cause complex bite problems where the upper and lower teeth do not align when the mouth is closed. There are various bite alignment problems, these include:

  • Underbite – The lower teeth extend beyond the upper teeth.
  • Crossbite – The two rows of teeth overlap. There are two types of crossbites: anterior and posterior. 
  • Overbite – Sometimes called deep bite, the front upper teeth extend beyond the lower set.
  • Open bite – When the mouth is closed, the upper and lower teeth do not meet, leaving a space. 

Alongside the increased risk of gum disease, tooth decay, and bad breath, bite issues can strain your child’s jaw. Tension in the temporomandibular joints that connect the lower jaw to the skull can cause jaw pain, headaches, neck pain, and shoulder issues. 

By correcting the position of your child’s teeth, we can improve their bite alignment and overall jaw function. This, in turn, reduces the tension and associated discomfort. 

Wearing Braces Can Stop Cheek and Tongue Biting

Some children with misaligned bites may accidentally bite their tongue or the inside of their mouth often. 

Straightening your child’s teeth with braces improves the relative position of their teeth, tongue, and mouth walls. This can help reduce or even eliminate tongue and cheek biting. 

Braces Stop Your Child’s Teeth from Chipping

A misaligned bite can cause teeth to clash with each other. Whether eating or speaking, teeth can often knock into one another when their position affects jaw alignment. 

Although a tooth’s outer enamel is one of the most durable parts of the human body, and the knocking may only be slight, constant friction between teeth can cause excessive wear, and the enamel may weaken. As a result, your child may chip or crack their teeth. Not only is this an aesthetic problem, but it makes it easier for bacteria to enter the tooth and cause an infection. 

Stratightening your child’s teeth reduces friction between teeth and the potential for clashes. 

Early Orthodontic Treatment Can Save You Money

In many cases, the earlier we provide teeth straightening for children, the shorter the treatment will be. Reducing the duration of the treatment will mean fewer visits and fewer adjustments, and it can reduce the overall cost. 

Benefits of Braces for Children With Teeth Misalignment

Crowded teeth can harm your child’s self-esteem and impact their oral health. We recommend your child receive their first orthodontic evaluation at around seven. We will determine whether your child will need to wear braces and when the best time is for treatment.

West London Orthodontics delivers the highest standard of orthodontic treatment for children and adults in Hammersmith, Shepherd’s Bush, and Chiswick. Leading specialist orthodontist Dr Kyi has considerable experience treating younger patients using braces and other orthodontic appliances.

Schedule a consultation today to learn more about the benefits of braces for children with dental misalignment.


West London Orthodontics offers the most advanced orthodontic care for children and adults. Serving patients in Hammersmith, Shepherd's Bush, and Chiswick, Dr Kyi and her team specialise in various brace options, including Invisalign. Book a consultation today.

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