Gaps, chips, and other imperfections are no match for dental bonding: 

Transform your smile in just one visit!

The reputation of Dr Chaw-Su Kyi precedes her. Now, the exceptional and accomplished orthodontist is joined by equally accomplished dentists with unique expertise and interest in conservative and highly cosmetic procedures like composite dental bonding. Together, We have the comprehensive and trusted services at their West London dental studies to handle all of your oral health needs, whether straightening your child’s teeth or beautifying your smile with the highest quality, light-touch approaches to cosmetic dentistry. 

The problem: “Why” dental bonding may be in your future

Maybe you’ve always had a bit of a gap between your front teeth. Perhaps you are confronting a gap-toothed smile for the first time well into adulthood due to age-related changes. Teeth tend to drift. Additionally, you may have always hated the shape or size of a particular tooth. A tooth’s appearance may have changed due to wear and tear. Or, all you see when you look in the mirror are dark stains, yellow discolouration, or chipped teeth. These and other cosmetic imperfections are “treatable” at our dental studios, courtesy of highly trained dentists.  

The solution: Conservative, cost-effective, and cosmetic bonding

We conveniently, non-invasively, affordably, and precisely closes gaps, smooths chips, and transforms the shade, shape, and size of “imperfect” teeth with versatile bonding. This process involves using a pliable dental material prepared to match the colour of the surrounding teeth. This material is most often a metal-free composite resin. We prefer to use BPA-free composites like Venus® Pearl. This product, for instance, supports the most precise and artistic application and outstanding cosmetic results. It is also highly durable. 

The natural tooth structure must also be “prepared.” With bonding, no enamel is actually removed to accommodate the composite material. The tooth’s surface is slightly abraded and conditioned to support the strongest “bond” between the teeth and the material. We use finesse to shape the putty-like material artfully. Once the desired cosmetic result has been achieved, it is cemented or fixed securely to the tooth. In turn, the composite covers up or disguises the flaws that formerly marred the smile. You can get a flawless smile with bonding:

  • Fast – in just one visit
  • Conservatively – no tooth reduction is required
  • Painlessly – since no enamel is removed, sensitivity is avoided 
  • Economically – bonding is generally less expensive than veneers and other cosmetic procedures

Schedule a consultation with us at one of our studios in West London today. During your consultation, we may discuss alternatives such as our super-thin stain-resistant or “natural” ceramic veneers. There are pros and cons to every alternative, and we look forward to helping you make the most informed decisions that are in the best long-term interests of your health and smile. Call us at 020 8129 6868 to find out more. 

Enhance Your Smile with Dental Bonding

Schedule Your Dental Bonding Appointment Now!
