Teeth Whitening

Patient: 23
Adult Braces
A 35 year old lady did not like her front tooth which she felt was sticking out. Her front teeth were crowded and her lateral incisor tooth rotated (twisted). She was concerned that she may need to have teeth removed, as this had been mentioned in previous consultations. She had orthodontic treatment to straighten her teeth and correct her overbite. We were able to carry out the treatment with no need for removal of any teeth using Damon braces and elastics. Her overbite was corrected and no longer had that one snaggle ‘sticking out’ front tooth. She loved her new smile.

Patient: 40
This 26 year old gentleman was aware of his crowded front teeth and narrow smile. He had a narrow upper arch which resulted in less room for his front teeth. His back teeth were meeting behind his lower opposing teeth, called a crossbite. We carried out orthodontic treatment with fixed braces to expand or widen his upper arch and straighten the teeth. He lived in Rugby, which is 90 miles away but chose to have his treatment with us. We were thrilled to treat him and he was very thrilled with his new wider straighter smile. The traveling was well worthwhile for his result.

Patient: 39
A 35 year old lady did not like the appearance of her front teeth and felt her canine teeth were sticking out. There was severe crowding with both the upper and lower teeth. She was a busy working mum, and had been thinking about correcting her teeth for many years, finally deciding the time was right. We removed four molar teeth due to the severe crowding and fitted fixed braces to straighten her teeth and bring the canine teeth into their correct positions. She was so happy with her smile

Patient: 38
A 31 year old lady had a baby canine tooth and the adult canine tooth impacted immediately behind this tooth. The baby tooth was removed before fitting her fixed braces. Orthodontic treatment with upper and lower fixed braces was carried out, taking 19 months to straighten her impacted canine tooth and correcting her crossbite. A fantastic result allowing our patient to keep her canine teeth in the right positions.

Patient: 37
A 23 year old lady did not like her overlapping front teeth, and the way they were leaning to the right side. She had a lower left premolar tooth removed in her teens which resulted in the lower midline being shifted to the left side. We did not want to remove any further teeth, and the lower midline shift was accepted in its current position. We carried out orthodontic treatment with upper and lower fixed braces which took 15 months. She was a busy junior doctor and her appointment intervals were more flexible wearing Damon braces. She was thrilled with her new smile.

Patient: 36
A 20 year old lady had crowded teeth and wanted to change her smile. The crowding was severe, and we needed to remove teeth to create space for straightening. Her molar teeth had some large fillings due to poorly formed enamel (hypoplastic enamel), and we removed all four first molar teeth. Upper and lower fixed braces were fitted with orthodontic treatment taking 23 months. She completed her post-grad degrees with perfect smiles for her graduation photos.

Patient: 35
A 33 year old lady had a missing upper right premolar tooth which and the gap was to be replaced with an implant. Before the implant could be fitted, she came for orthodontic treatment to correct her overbite and straighten her teeth to allow the implant to be placed correctly. Treatment was carried out with upper and lower fixed braces taking 20 months, followed by placement of the implant.

Patient: 34
A 29 year old lady who had 6 missing adult teeth including her upper lateral incisors, along with a cleft palate.. She had a deep overbite and narrow arches, and was not happy with her narrow smile. She was treated with upper and lower fixed braces to correct her overbite and allow some widening of her arches. Following brace treatment, her canine teeth were in the correct inclination and ‘overbite’ positions to allow ‘bonding’ to reshape them as incisor teeth and give the new wider straighter smile.

Patient: 33
A 27 year old lady did not like her overcrowded teeth and her overbite. She was especially aware of the ‘hidden’ upper right tooth which seemed to cast a shadow on photos. Orthodontic treatment was carried out with fixed braces and took 19 months to correct her overbite and straighten her teeth. Now her smile is a dazzling white straight smile,no dark shadows to be seen.

Patient: 32
A 26 year old gentleman did not like the gaps between his upper front teeth which showed when he smiled. In addition to the gaps between his front teeth, the upper incisors were also twisted or rotated in their positions. We carried out orthodontic treatment with Incognito lingual fixed braces to straighten the teeth and close the gaps. He was a musician, and wearing lingual braces did not affect his singing or work. A huge change in his smile!

Patient: 31
A 27 year old lady had brace treatment when she was a child along with the removal of four teeth. When she came to see us, there was severe relapse of the teeth with crowding and a deep overbite. Relapse extraction cases are always one of the most challenging treatment cases. She was successfully treated with fixed braces with her overbite corrected and an amazing new smile.

Patient: 30
A 25 year old gentleman was not happy with his bite. The upper and lower teeth did not meet together when he closed his mouth – called an open bite. In his teens, he had two upper teeth removed and braces. However, the open bite was not corrected. We treated him with upper and lower fixed braces along with the removal of two lower teeth to correct his bite. Brace treatment took 23 months, and just in time before he left for Australia.

Patient: 29
Children’s Braces
This 13-year-old girl had overlapping and twisted front teeth. Also when she closed her mouth, her teeth did not fully meet together – she had a reduced overbite. We carried out treatment with fixed braces to straighten her teeth and correct her bite, with treatment taking 14 months. A very happy patient.

Patient: 28
A 12-year-old girl had crowded front teeth, an overbite and narrowness of the back teeth. Although there were a few baby teeth remaining, we were able to start treatment with fixed braces to widen her arch and create space for the new teeth. Her overbite was corrected and treatment took 13 months. A great new smile!

Patient: 27
This 12-year-old boy had a very large overbite with the upper teeth protruding forwards. Treatment was carried out in two phases, firstly to correct the overbite with a functional brace, followed by fixed braces to perfectly straighten his teeth. By carrying out treatment at the right age, we could correct his large overbite without the need for any extractions. Treatment took 18 months.

Patient: 26
This patient who was aged 13 years old, had crowded teeth with the teeth on the left side not meeting together when he closed his mouth. Treatment was carried out with Damon fixed braces over 14 months to correct his bite and straighten his teeth, and no extractions needed. A really happy patient with a great smile and bite.

Patient: 25
A 14-year-old boy had crowded front teeth with his canine tooth sticking out. The front teeth also did not meet together. We treated him with Damon fixed braces and able to widen his narrow upper arch (jaw) and straighten his teeth, to give him a full straight smile. The treatment took 16 months, followed by fixed and removable retainers.

Patient: 24
This 13-year-old had severe crowding of her teeth and her new adult teeth had erupted into twisted or crooked positions. We removed four premolar adult teeth to provide the space to allow straightening of her teeth and bite. A fantastic smile and long term dental health, as no more risk of food or plaque being trapped between the teeth.

Patient: 23
This 52-year-old lady wore fixed braces when she was younger and also had two upper teeth and a lower incisor tooth removed at the time. However, over time the teeth have moved and showed a degree of relapse. Her concerns were the gap between the two front teeth and her overbite. Her work commitments involved travelling abroad a significant part of the time and often to remote destinations where orthodontists are rare to find in an emergency. Our patient was keen to wear a removable brace as this would fit in with her lifestyle. Orthodontic treatment was carried out with Invisalign braces and we were able to maintain a very small gap between her two front teeth as this gap was a family characteristic and she did not want to lose this distinguishing feature. Treatment took 15 months followed by retainers. A really happy smiling patient.

Patient: 16
A 46-year-old gentleman had an implant on his upper left canine tooth and a gap between his upper front teeth which he wanted to close. Invisalign treatment was accurately planned to close the gap and move the teeth individually and maintain the bite. The implant is not able to be moved, but all other teeth were planned in the movements to give the results of closing the gap and straightening his teeth. Treatment took 16 months.

Patient: 15
A 35-year-old gentleman wanted to improve his overbite and straighten the two protruding upper front teeth. There were gaps between his teeth, which we planned in the Invisalign treatment to close the gaps and bring the upper front teeth ‘back’ to straighten them. Invisalign treatment took 17 months followed by retainers.

Patient: 14
A 46-year-old lady did not like her back teeth leaning in and giving her a narrow smile. She also had crowded front teeth which were overlapping each other. Invisalign treatment planned precise movements of her back teeth to ‘upright’ and straighten resulting in her new great smile which showed off her back teeth giving her a wider new smile. Treatment took 15 months.

Patient: 13
A 32-year-old lady wished to have her perfect smile for her wedding day. Her upper left incisor tooth was discoloured for some years but healthy. We straightened her teeth with Invisalign, taking 7 months. Using Invisalign we were able to allow only very small movements to the discoloured tooth to reduce the risk to this tooth. She completed her treatment a month before her wedding with whitening of her teeth – her perfect wedding day smiles.

Patient: 12
A 28-year-old lady felt her smile was quite narrow and did not show much teeth when she smiled. She had fixed brace treatment as a child with the removal of four teeth. Over the years, the teeth had relapsed with crowding and narrowing of the arches. Invisalign treatment was carefully planned to allow widening and expansion which gave her the fuller smile with her new straight teeth.

Patient: 11
A 36-year-old lady did not like the appearance of her protruding upper right incisor tooth, which has become more crooked over the last 10 years. Invisalign treatment straightened her teeth perfectly back to position, and retention provided by fixed and removable retainers.

Patient: 10
A 26-year-old who had crowded lower teeth with the lower canine tooth protruding forwards. The upper right incisor and canine teeth were meeting inside the lower opposing teeth, called a cross-bite. Correct planning of her Invisalign treatment achieved correction of her cross-bite in addition to a fantastic smile with her new straight teeth, taking 18 months.

Patient: 9
A 25-year-old who wore braces during her teens wanted to correct her bite as the teeth did not meet each other and had become crooked again, due to relapse. Invisalign treatment took 14 months to correct her overbite and straighten her teeth to give her a superb smile again. Invisalign also allowed treatment to continue effortlessly as her new job involved many transatlantic visits, there were no delays in her treatment taking 8 months.

Patient: 8
A 26-year-old lady wanted to improve her smile and bite, but had a root canal filling on her upper left incisor tooth. We were able to correct her bite and give her the smile she desired. Having Invisalign treatment allowed the upper front tooth to be easily monitored throughout treatment. A very happy patient with her new smile, taking 11 months.

Patient: 7
A 31-year-old lady had previous treatment as a child with fixed braces and extractions, came to see us, as her teeth had relapsed over the past 12 years. We treated with Invisalign to correct the narrowness of her upper teeth, along with her straightening her protruding upper front teeth and correcting her bite. Invisalign treatment took 15 months, and she found the whole journey very easy and no problems with her speech which was very important for her work being a teacher.

Patient: 6
A 15-year-old girl was treated with Teen Invisalign over 12 months to straighten her teeth, especially the upper left lateral incisor tooth which was ‘twisted’. Due to the position of this tooth it was causing early tooth wear as biting on top of the lower opposing tooth. Once the teeth were straightened, the upper teeth were meeting the lower teeth with a correct overbite, providing long term stability and dental health.

Patient: 5
A 19-year-old who was living out of London during her University term time, wanted to improve the appearance of her teeth and bite. She had a deep overbite in addition to the crowded front teeth. We treated with Invisalign over 13 months, and the versatility of Invisalign allowed us to continue her regular orthodontic appointments throughout her studies without disruption to her University life or treatment progress. Treatment all completed before her summer backpacking in Europe.

Patient: 4
A 14-year-old girl who wanted to have straighter teeth and smile, wore Teen Invisalign for 8 months to achieve her new smile. Before treatment, her upper left incisor tooth was biting on the edge of the lower opposing tooth which was risking toothwear on the incisal edge. By straightening the upper front teeth, this tooth was no longer biting ‘on top’ of the lower opposing tooth and reduced the risk of enamel toothwear. A healthy smile!

Patient: 3
A 30-year-old lady who was not happy with her front teeth crossing over. Her sister’s wedding was the goal for her perfect smile, and we achieved her wedding photo smiles with Invisalign treatment. Taking 11 months to straighten her teeth, Invisalign really suited her profession being a doctor and not being restricted with her diet, especially when on-call with available hospital food!. Following Invisalign, we fitted fixed retainers and night-time retainers.

Patient: 2
A 26-year-old lady who had not worn braces before, but noticed her teeth were becoming more crowded over the last 10 years, and also noticed they were protruding forwards. We treated her with Invisalign which took 10 months to fully straighten her teeth and improve her profile and lip support by bringing the front teeth ‘back’. A great new smile.

Patient: 1
Lingual Braces
This 37-year-old lady had very crowded teeth with no space for the upper canine teeth. We treated with lingual fixed braces and had to extract two upper premolar teeth to create space for the canine teeth. The treatment took 25 months. She was so thrilled with her new smile. The changes with her smile started within the first 12 months, and wearing lingual braces, she was able to smile confidently well before the end of treatment.

Patient: 22
A 48-year-old lady who had not worn braces before wanted to straighten her smile. She had an overbite and crowded lower front teeth, along with uneven upper front teeth. We treated with lingual fixed braces taking 17 months to correct her overbite and give her the smile she had always wanted. Her new smile was ready to show off, well before her big 50th birthday celebrations.

Patient: 21
This 23-year-old medical student wished to improve her smile and straighten her crooked teeth, especially the twisted upper left incisor tooth. We used lingual fixed braces as she did not wish to show the braces. Treatment took 13 months, followed by retention with fixed and removable retainers.

Patient: 20
This lady was 27 years old and not happy with her front teeth. She had previously worn braces as a child but the teeth had relapsed and moved over time. We treated her with lingual fixed braces to correct her bite, straighten the teeth. We reduced the ‘black triangle space’ between the two upper front teeth by reshaping the two upper central incisor teeth. Orthodontic treatment took 16 months, followed by fixed and removable retainers. A very happy patient!

Patient: 19
A 29-year-old gentleman wore an upper brace with the removal of upper teeth as a child but no treatment for his lower teeth. There was severe crowding of the lower front teeth and we carried out treatment with the removal of two lower teeth and fixed braces. He had his wedding nearing the end of treatment, but having lingual braces meant only his great smile was seen, with the braces hidden from view.

Patient: 18
A 31-year-old lady did not like the appearance of her front teeth which were protruding forwards. She also had a deep overbite and overcrowding of her teeth. We planned to remove two upper premolar teeth to create space and bring the upper teeth back and correct her bite. She wore lingual Incognito fixed braces which corrected her bite and gave her new amazing smile, which took 22 months. It was important for her work that fixed braces were not seen and lingual braces ensured no-one saw her brace treatment.

Patient: 17