Where can I find a dental team offering braces for children?
An improperly aligned smile is not only aesthetically affected but also impacts one’s oral health and wellness. Gapped or crowded smiles can leave more spaces behind for food particles and bacteria to grow, and teeth that are not properly aligned on the top and bottom bites can cause unnecessary wear on your natural teeth and any dental restorations. This is why our team at West London Orthodontist Cosmetic Dental Studios of West London encourages parents to have their children assessed at an early age for orthodontic treatments such as braces.
How do I know if my child needs braces?
Braces for children are more common than one may realize. Children can start orthodontic treatment at a young age, often when they are six to seven years old, to ensure that the new adult teeth come in where they should for proper alignment at a later point. With early intervention, braces for children can prevent more extensive orthodontic work in the future.
The following are some signs that your child may benefit from early orthodontic treatment:
- Difficulty chewing or biting
- Thumb sucking or pacifier use beyond the age of three
- Crowded or gapped teeth
- Protruding front teeth
- Crossbite, overbite, or underbite
- Early loss of baby teeth
If you notice any of these signs in your child, take the time to schedule an appointment with an orthodontist at our office for a consultation. Our team at West London Orthodontist Cosmetic Dental Studios can help assess your child’s current oral health needs to determine their future goals.
Braces for Children: Before and After Results
How long does orthodontic treatment take?
The length of orthodontic treatment for children can vary greatly depending on the individual case. In most cases, it can take anywhere from one to three years to complete treatment. However, early intervention with braces for children can often lead to shorter treatment times and the best results in the long run.
During an initial consultation at West London Orthodontist Cosmetic Dental Studios, our team evaluates your child’s specific case and creates a personalized treatment plan that outlines the expected timeline for their orthodontic journey. This plan will also include follow-up appointments to monitor your child’s orthodontic progress and make any necessary adjustments along the way. With proper compliance with appointments and care of the braces, your child can achieve a beautiful smile they can take into adulthood with confidence!
Where can I have my child assessed for possible orthodontic treatment in the West London area?
Dr. Chaw-Su Kyi and the team at West London Orthodontist Cosmetic Dental Studios are here to help! Call the office at 020-8129-6868 to request an initial evaluation and consultation appointment with our providers. We are open to new and returning patients and families seeking quality dental care from our team.